The MindUp curriculum is brain-focused strategies for learning and living. Our school is using the MindUp curriculum to help teach students about living a well balanced and mindful life. Students will be taught how their mind works and how to put those function to work to make good choices and be mindful of their surroundings.
"MindUp makes my brain happy, so I can learn better" -David, first grade
"Your brain can be like your BFF. It can help you cool down and stop getting frustrated. Then you can learn a lot more and have more friends" -Genieva, fifth grade.
Our brains help us know how to act and treat other people. They also help us make good decisions. Here are a few of the areas we will be focusing on in our MINDUP curriculum.
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Management
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Skills
- Responsible Decision Making