5 Keys to Sucess
- Taking home and returning important papers
- Returning completed homework
- Taking care of personal items
- Completing class assignments on time
- Not making excuses
- Staying on task in class
- Following class routine without needing to be told
- Using free time wisely
- Doing the right things, even when no one is watching
- Coming to class on time
- Completing class work neatly and carefully
- Picking up trash
- Cleaning up after yourself
- Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing patriotic songs with respect
- Respecting the feelings of others
- Saying positive things
- Taking care of classroom supplies and technology
- Working out problems on the playground without help from adults
- Solving problems in a variety of ways
- Coming up with a new way to complete a problem
- Accepting different opinions
- Willingness to try something new
- Coming up with creative ideas
- Being OK with a change in routine
- Sharing
- Helping others without being asked
- Actively participating in class discussions
- Having a positive attitude
- Always trying your best
- Encouraging others
- Helping others
- Working cooperatively in a group
- Knowing where your materials are
- Keeping your desk neat and organized
- Keeping your materials where they should be
- Keeping library neat and organized
- Keeping track of homework and important papers
- Being able to do long-term thinking, planning, and completing a project